Know Me

Translations: es

Hello! My name is Taisir Avilés.

I completed a Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering (majoring in spacecrafts) at the Politechnical University of Madrid (UPM).

I've worked in different organizations and space related projects. I'm currently looking for a job in other areas too.

You may want to take a look at my resume.

I won the ESA's Space Debris: the origin competition. That's where teams usually spend diverse computational and human resources. My unipersonal team, Vidente, achieved first position. That means that I can be very efficient in what I aim to do and that I may know something about astrodynamics and data analysis.

I'm a medium/advanced user of UNIX/Linux. I'm a self-learner of programming languages such as C/C++, Fortran or Python, maybe my favourite, and I've tweaked code in languages that sometimes seem to be Pokémons.

Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you think I could be a good candidate to be part of your team.

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